Susan Rundell Singer

Research & Publications



NSF (DUE-1725320) - $1,798,710 Using Networks to Scale Improvement of STEM Undergraduate Education: A Comparative Study of Network Goals, Processes, and Strategies to Advance Organizational Change under the direction of Ann Austin (Michigan State) and Susan Rundell Singer (8/15/2017-7/31/2021)

Mellon Foundation - $800,000 Implementing Rollins Foundations in the Liberal Arts (rFLA):

A New Model of General Education (1/2016-12/2020)

NSF (DUE/EHR) - Intergovernmental Personal Act award included Independent Research and Development funding for research on scaffolding genomics learning (1/2013 – 7/2016)

NSF (DUE-0837375) - $149,976 Scaffolding Conceptually Driven Genomics Education (12/08-11/11)

NSF (DEB-0746571) - $200,0000 Big Science at Small Schools Collaboration: Genomics of Chamaecrista fasciculata, a native prairie plant with potential for mixed prairie biomass (9/07-6/09)

NSF (IBN-0422840)-$390,000 Shoot Architecture- A Systems Approach in Pea (7/04-6/09)

Teagle Foundation – $97,000  “Bringing Big Science to Small Colleges: A Genomics Collaboration” (April 2007- July 2010) [collaborative with colleagues at Williams, Vassar, and Barnard; Lois Banta, project director]

Core member of NSF RCN (DEB 0234008) Molecular and Organismic Research in Plant History $498,128 (3/03-1/08), PI - Ned Friedman, University of Colorado, Boulder

NSF (IBN/BIO) - Intergovernmental Personal Act award included Independent Research and Development funding for research on inflorescence architecture (8/1999 – 8/2001)

NSF (IBN-9977087) - $331,767, "Research at Undergraduate Institutions (RUI): Regulation of Inflorescence Architecture in Pea (8/99-10/04) with Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) supplements: $10,000 (8/00) and $10,800 (8/02)

NSF - (DUE-9550097) - $7,200 for Plant Biology Education Publication Workshop for the American Society of Plant Physiologists (12/94 - 3/95) – The journal Plant Physiology now publishes education articles as a result of this effort.

NSF-REU (SBE) - $44,500 to investigate "Acquiring, Organizing, and Using Knowledge" (5/95 - 12/96) with K. Galotti (cognitive psychologist, Dept. of Psychology, Carleton College)

NSF (IBN-9405799) - $215,000, "RUI: Specification of Meristem Identity in Pea Infloresecences" (7/94 - 8/99)

USDA (9103136) - $90,000 to investigate "Inflorescence Development in Pisum sativum" (9/91 - 8/94)

NSF-REU (DIR - 9100846) - $85,700 for "Undergraduate Research in Development Regulation" (6/91 - 11/93)

USDA (9037615516) - $32,000 for "Regulation of Floral Development in Pisum sativum" (9/90 - 8/92)

NSF-REU (DIR - 9000810) - $41,850 for "Undergraduate Research in Developmental Regulation" (6/90 - 11/91)

Society for Developmental Biology - $3,100 for Plant Development Lab Collection (1990)

NSF-REU (DIR-8900679) - $39,850 for "Undergraduate Research in Developmental Regulation" (6/89 - 11/90)

NSF-REU (BBS-8803871) - $36,000 for "Undergraduate Research in Developmental Regulation" (5/88 - 10/89) USDA (87-CRCR-1-2554): $145,000 total to study "Acquisition of Competence for Floral Determination" (9/87 - 8/91)

William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Grant of Research Corporation: $19,400 total to study "Competence: A Prerequisite for Floral Determination" (7/1/87 - 6/30/89)

NSF Pre-doctoral Fellowship (1981-1984)

PUBLICATIONS: (student authors are underlined)


Journal articles:


Singer, S.R., (2019) Six Decades of National Science Foundation Commitment to Undergraduate Research. Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research (SPUR), in press

Singer, S.R., A.E. Austin, S. Bae, V. L. Baker, A. Grimm, M. Ring, L. Shanks, S. Starck, A. Storer (2019). Improving Quality and Inclusion in STEM Undergraduate Education Through Organizational Change Networks. AERA Online Paper Repository,

Bueno, E., T. Kisha, S. Maki,  E .J. B. von Wettburg, S. Singer. (2019) Genetic diversity of Chamaecrista fasciculata (Fabaceae) from the USDA   
             germplasm collection. BMC Research Notes, 12: 117,

Singer, S.R., J.A. Schwarz, C.A. Manduca, S.P. Fox, E.R Iverson, B.J. Taylor, S.B. Cannon, G.D. May, S.L. Maki, A.D. Farmer, J.J. Doyle (2013) Keeping an eye on biology. Science 339: 408-409

Young, N.D. et al. (2011) The Medicago genome provides insight into the evolution of rhizobial symbioses. Nature: 480: 520-524

Cannon. S.B., D. Illut, A.D, Farmer, S.L. Maki, G.D. May, S.R. Singer, J.J. Doyle (2010) Nodule evolution did not depend on early polyploidy in the legumes. PLoS ONE, 5(7): e11630. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0011630

Singer, S.R., S.L. Maki, A.D. Farmer, D. Ilut, G.D. May, S.B. Cannon, and J.J. Doyle (2009) Venturing beyond beans and peas – What can we learn from Chamaecrista? Plant Physiology 151: 1041-1047

Deel, S., S. Singer, and D. Walser-Kuntz. (2009) Human single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) Determination. Pages 65-94, in Tested Studies for Laboratory Teaching, Volume 31 (K. Clase, Editor). Proceedings of the 31st Workshop/Conference of the Association for  Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE)

Maki, S.L., H. Mullen, R. Pharis, and S. Singer (2005) Improvement of yield in greenhouse grown determinate multiflowered peas with gibberellin treatments. Proceedings of the thirty-second annual meeting of the Plant Growth Regulation Society of America held July 24-27 in Newport Beach, CA. pp. 108-120.

Beveridge, C.A., James L. Weller, Susan R. Singer, and Julie M.I. Hofer  (2003) Axillary meristem development. budding relationships between networks controlling flowering, branching, and photoperiod responsiveness. Plant Physiology 131: 927-934.

Taylor, S., J. Hofer, I. Murfet, J. Sollinger, S. Singer, M. Knox, N. Ellis (2002) PROLIFERATING INFLORESCENCE MERISTEM, a MADS-box gene that regulates floral meristem identity in pea. Plant Physiology 129: 1150-1159

Galotti, K.M., R.O. Elveton, L.K. Komatsu, M.S. Rand, S.R. Singer (2000) Origins and mind: An integrated academic experience for new students. Liberal Education 86:32-39

Singer, S., J. Sollinger, S. Maki, J. Fishbach, B. Short, C. Reinke, J. Fick, Laura Cox, A. McCall and H. Mullen. (1999) Inflorescence architecture: a developmental genetics approach. Botanical Review 65:385-410

Reid, J.B., I.C. Murfet, S.R. Singer, J.L. Weller, S.A. Taylor (1996) Physiological-genetics of flowering in Pisum. Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology 7:455-463

Singer, S.R., S.L. Maki, H.J. Mullen (1994) Specification of meristem identity in Pisum sativum inflorescence development. Flowering 18: 26-42

McDaniel, C.N., S.R. Singer, S.M.E. Smith (1992) Developmental states associated with the floral transition. Developmental Biology 153:59-69

Singer, S.R., C.H. Hannon, S.C. Huber, (1992) Acquisition of competence for floral determination in shoot apices of Nicotiana. Planta, 188:546-550

Singer, S.R. (1992) Floral morphogenesis in lythrum. In: S.R. Singer, editor. Plant Development Lab Collection. Society for Developmental Biology, Washington, D.C.

Ferguson, C.J., S.C. Huber, Hong, P.H., S.R. Singer (1991) Determination for inflorescence development is a stable state, separable from determination for flower development in Pisum sativum buds. Planta 185: 518-522

Singer, S.R., L. Hsiung, S.C. Huber (1990) The determinate (det) mutant of Pisum sativum L. (leguminosae: papilionoidae) exhibits an indeterminate growth pattern. American Journal of Botany 77: 1330-1335

McDaniel, C.N., K.A. Sangrey, S.R. Singer (1989) Node counting in axillary buds of Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Wisconsin 38, a dayneutral plant. American Journal of Botany 76: 403-408

Singer, S.R., C.N. McDaniel (1987) Floral determination in internode tissues of dayneutral tobacco first occurs many nodes below the apex. L., Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA 84:2790-2792

Singer, S.R., C.N. McDaniel (1986) Floral determination in the terminal and axillary meristems of Nicotiana tabacum L. Developmental Biology 118:587-592

Singer, S.R., C.N. McDaniel (1986) Analyzing growth in cell cultures: II. Effect of initial cell mass on growth. Canadian Jouranl of Botany 64: 238-241

Singer, S.R. (1986) Analyzing growth in cell cultures: I. Calculating growth rates. Canadian Jouranl of Botany 64: 233-237

Singer, S.R., C.N. McDaniel (1985) Selection of glyphosate-tolerant tobacco calli and the expression of this tolerance in regenerated plants.  Plant Physiology 78: 411-416

Singer, S.R., C.N. McDaniel (1984) Selection of amitrole tolerant tobacco calli and the expression of this tolerance in regenerated plants and progeny.  Theoretical and Applied Genetics 67: 427-432

Singer, S.R., C.N. McDaniel (1982) Transport of the herbicide 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole by cultured tobacco cells and leaf protoplasts. Plant Physiology 69: 1382-1386 (my undergraduate research)




Mason, K. J. Losos, J. and S. Singer (2016) Biology 11th edition, New York: McGraw-Hill

Mason, K., G. Johnson, S. Singer, and J. Losos (2015) Understanding Biology, New York: McGraw-Hill

Mason, K. J. Losos, J. and S. Singer (2014) Biology 10th edition, New York: McGraw-Hill

Singer, S.R., N. R. Nielsen, and H.A. Schweingruber (2012) Discipline-based Education Research: Understanding and Improving Learning in Undergraduate Science and Education, Washington, DC: National Academies Press 

National Research Council (2011) Promising Practices in Undergraduate Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education, Washington, DC: National Academies Press (S.R. Singer was committee chair)

Losos, J., K. Mason, and S. Singer (2011) Biology 9th edition, New York: McGraw-Hill

National Research Council (2010) Challenges and Opportunities for Education About Dual Use Issues in the Life Sciences, Washington, DC: National Academies Press (S.R. Singer was study committee member and report author)

National Research Council (2009) Transforming Agricultural Education for a Changing World, Washington, DC: National Academies Press (S.R. Singer was study committee member and report author)

Raven, P., G. Johnson, J. Losos, K. Mason and S. Singer (2008) Biology 8th edition, New York: McGraw-Hill

Singer, S.R., Hilton, M. L., Schweingruber, H. A. (eds.) (2005) America's Lab Report: Investigations in High School Science, Washington, DC: National Academies Press

Singer, S.R. and C. Rutz (eds.) 2004 Reflections on Learning as Teachers, Northfield, MN: College City Publications

Raven, P., G. Johnson, J. Losos, S. Singer (2005) Biology 7th edition, New York:  McGraw-Hill

NRC CUSE Steering Committee 2003 Improving Undergraduate Instruction in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics: Report of a Workshop. R.A. McCray, R.L. DeHaan, J.A. Schuck (eds). Washington, D.C.:  National Academy Press (S. Singer was steering committee member),

Singer, S.R. (ed.) 1992 Plant Developmental Biology Laboratory Collection,Washington, D.C.: Society for Developmental Biology


Reviews, reports, and book chapters:


Russell, E., S.R. Singer, T. Holbrook (2019) Building a Developmental, Interdisciplinary General Education Curriculum for the Future: Rollins Foundations in the Liberal Arts (rFLA). In: W. Moner, P. Motely, and R. Pope-Ruark (eds.) Redesigning Liberal Education: Innovative Design for a Twenty-First Century Undergraduate Education, Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Press, in press

James, S.M. and S.R. Singer (2016) From the NSF: The National Science Foundation’s Investments in Broadening Participation in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education through Research and Capacity Building, CBE-Life Sciences Education, 17:fe7, 1-8

Singer, S.R. (2015) Partnering to advance learning in a technology-enhanced world, EDCUASE Review. 50 (2)

Singer, S. (2015) Implementing Evidence-based Undergraduate STEM Teaching Practice. In: Shelton, R.N. and H.R. Rawlings, III (eds.) Searching for Better Approaches: Effective Evaluation of Teaching and Learning in STEM, Tucson, AZ: Research Corporation for the Advancement of Science, pp. 1-5

Ferrini-Mundy, J., L. Scherer, and S.R. Singer (2015) The Reform of Undergraduate Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education in Context: Preparing Tomorrow’s STEM Professionals and Educating a STEM- Savvy Public. Indiana: Purdue University Press

Singer, S.R. (2015) Learning in a world of convergence. In: Bainbridge, W.S and M.C. Roco (eds.) Handbook of Science and Technology Convergence, Springer, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-04033-2_63-1

Singer, S.R. (2013) Advancing research on undergraduate science learning. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 50: 768-772

Bonvillian, W.B. and S.R. Singer (2013) The online challenge to higher education. Issues in Science and Technology. 29 (4)

Singer, S.R. and W.B. Bonvillian (2013) Two revolutions in learning. Science. 339: 1359

Singer, S. and K. A. Smith (2013) Discipline-based education research: Understanding and improving learning in undergraduate science and engineering. Journal of Engineering Education. 102: 468-471, DOI: 10.1002/jee.2003

Singer, S. and K. Smith (2013) Follow the evidence: Discipline-based education research dispels myths about learning and yields results – if only educators would use it. PRiSM

Singer, S.R. N.R. Nielsen, and H.A. Schweingruber (2013) Biology education research: lessons and future directions. CBE – Life Science Education. 12: 129-132

Banta, L.M., E.J. Crespi, R.H. Nehm, J.A. Schwarz, S. Singer, C. Manduca, et al. (2012) Integrating genomics research throughout the undergraduate curriculum: a collection of inquiry-based genomics lab modules. CBE - Life Science Education. 11: 203-208

Moon, J. and S.R. Singer (2012) Bringing STEM into focus. Ed Week, January 30, 2012

Singer, S.R. (2011) STEM education: Time for integration. Peer Review 13 (3): 4-7.

Bauerle, C., A.  DePass, D. Lynn, C. O’Connor, S. Singer, and M. Withers (2011) Vision and Change in Undergraduate Biology Education: A Call to Action. C. Brewer and D. Smith (eds.). Washington, DC: AAAS

Labov, J.B., S.R. Singer, M.D. George, H.A. Schweingruber, and M.L. Hilton (2009) Effective practices in undergraduate STEM education part 1: Examining the evidence. CBE – Life Sciences Education. 8:157-161

Banta, L., Crespi, E, Manduca, C., Nehm, R., Schwarz, J., and Singer, S.R. (2009) Big science at small colleges: A collaborative model for genomics curriculum development at liberal arts colleges. Teagle Foundation paper

Reinke, C.A., and S.R. Singer (2006) From Observers to Participants: joining the scientific community. In Building Collaborations. C. Rutz and M. Savina (eds.), Northfield, MN, College City Publications,

Singer, S.R. (2006) Overview of Plant Development. In: S. F. Gilbert. Developmental Biology (8th edition). Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates

Singer, S. R. (2006) Everything Old is New Again: Circularity and Singularity in Science as a Liberal Art.  Journal of the Liberal Arts 4: 71-80

Singer, S.R. (2006)  Inflorescence Architecture. In Genetic Regulation of Flowering. C. Ainsworth, ed. Blackworth, Inc., London, pp. 98-113.

Singer, S.R., Hilton, M. L., Schweingruber, H. A. (2005) Needing a new approach to science labs. The Science Teacher. 72 (7): 10

Walser-Kuntz, D. Deel, S., Singer, S. (2005) “SNPs and snails and puppy dog tails, and that’s what people are made of …” A Case Study on Genome Privacy. The National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science Case Collection, SUNY Buffalo.

Walser-Kuntz, D, Singer, S., Deel, S. (2005) Closing the Gap in Introductory Biology Learning: Effect of Problem Solving Sessions." Proceedings of the Innovations in Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at the Liberal Arts Colleges, St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN

Singer, S.R. (2004) Talking about teaching: the importance of colleagues. In Reflections on Learning as Teachers. S. R. Singer, and C. Rutz (eds.) College City Publications, Northfield, MN, pp 5-13

Singer, S.R. (2003) Overview of plant development. In Developmental Biology (7th edition) by S.F. Gilbert, Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA

Singer, S. R. (2002) Learning and teaching centers: Hubs of educational reform. In Building Robust Learning Environments in Undergraduate Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. J. L. Narum and K. Conover (eds), pp. 59-64, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco

Singer, S.R. (contributing author) (2001) Plant chapters, In Biology (6th edition), McGraw-Hill, New York, N.Y.

Plesset, J., S. Scheiner, S. Singer (2001) Evolution and Development at the National Science Foundation, USA. Evolution and Development 3: 1-2

Plesset, J., S. Scheiner, S. Singer (2000) Evolution and Development at the National Science Foundation, USA. Genesis 28: 45-46

Plesset, J., S. Scheiner, S. Singer (2000) Evolution and Development at the National Science Foundation, USA. Journal of  Experimental Zoology 288: 285-286

Singer, S.R. (2000) Plant Development, In Developmental Biology (6th edition) by S.F. Gilbert, Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, M.A.

CELS (1998) Professional Societies and the Faculty Scholar:  Promoting Scholarship and Learning in the Life Sciences.  L. Liao (ed.).  with R. Bloodgood, J.R. Jungck, and S.R. Singer (monograph advisors), Madison, W.I.

Singer, S. (1997) Arms and Camp’s Biology:  Though it has some faults, this is a solid biology text. The Textbook Letter 8: 3-4

Singer, S.R. (1997) Plant Life Cycles and Angiosperm Development. In Embryology:  Constructing the Organism, S.F. Gilbert and A.M. Raunio, eds., pp. 493-513 , Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, M.A.

Singer, S.R. (1991) Flowering regulation. In McGill's Survey of Science: Life Sciences, Salem Press, pp.1010-1016

Singer, S.R. (1991) Homeotic genes and homeoboxes. In McGill's Survey of Science:  Life Sciences, Salem Press, pp. 1314-1320

McDaniel, C.N., S.R. Singer, J.S. Gebhardt (1987) Developmental patterns of floral induction in tobacco.  In UCLA Symposium on Molecular and Cellular Biology, Plant Gene Systems and their Biology, J.L. Key and L. McIntosh (eds.), pp. 39-52

McDaniel, C.N., S.R. Singer, J.S. Gebhardt, K.A. Dennin (1986) Floral determination: A critical process in meristem ontogeny. In The Manipulation of Flowering, J.G. Atherton (ed.), pp. 109-120

McDaniel, C.N., S.R. Singer, K.A. Dennin, J.S. Gebhardt (1985) Floral determination:  timing, stability and root influence.  In UCLA  Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology, Plant Genetics, M. Freeling (ed.), pp. 73-88

McDaniel, C.N., S.R. Singer (1982) Mutant selection in tobacco. Plant Molec. Bio. News. 3: 67-72


Other media:


Singer, S.R. and C. Fuleihan Intersection: Millennium Fellows Work Towards Sustainable Goals, WMFE Orlando (

Singer, S.R. Catalyzing Advances in Undergraduate STEM Education - epiSTEME-7 - Seventh international conference to review research on Science, Technology and Mathematics Education in Mumbai, India, (

Singer, S.R., and others, Developing Indicators for Undergraduate STEM Education -

Singer, S.R., and others, Reaching Students webinar

Singer, S.R., “A Conversation between Susan Singer and Harvard Science Faculty about Improving Undergraduate Science Education

Singer, S.R., Science Live Chat with Hal Saltzman and Jeff Mervis on The Making (or Breaking) of a STEM major

Singer, S.R., guest on NPR's Science Friday

Video of Discipline-Based Education Research Report Release Event on 11/8/12 (Committee chair and event moderator)

Teaching Tips (2017)

Challenging Non-Traditional Students

Set Style and Formatting in Context

Working with Evidence

Community in Science




“Exploring the Chamaecrista Gene Space” (2011) – and

“Faculty-coached, In Class Problem Solving” (2009) -

“Big Science at Small Schools.” Teaching and Assessing Genomics Consortium (2006-present) -

 “Human Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Determination” (2006) -

 “Reconstructing the Evolution of Cauliflower and Broccoli” (2006) -

 “SNPs and snails and puppy dog tails, and that’s what people are made of …” A Case Study on Genome Privacy (2005). The National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science Case Collection, SUNY Buffalo.

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